Services Offered

Process Development

Stone Strategies will work with you and your team to identify, implement and fine-tune a process that works for you.

Some examples where process development is useful include:

  • Policy revision or development
  • Aligning tasks and talent
  • Checking in and adjusting strategy based on perspectives from all levels of the organization
  • Project implementation
  • Management strategy adjustment

How will we get there? How will we know what’s working and what isn’t? Everyone has a different idea. How can we make sense of all this? If you’ve asked yourself these questions and there seems no way out of the endless loop, let Stone Strategies assist you in sorting it all out.

We work together to make sure all people have: access to accurate and timely information; a voice in decisions that affect them; and both responsibility and accountability for their actions.

Stone Strategies will help you figure out what is needed and how best to develop and implement processes that are useful and willingly used throughout your organization.